Veronica Mason is the founder and head coach at VRM Futures Co, where she offers services to people in the startup ecosystem, as well as corporate professionals.
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1) To kick things off, could you tell us a little about your career background and current role?
I’m the founder of VRM Futures Co and a high-performance coach for people in the startup ecosystem (investors, operators and founders) as well as corporate professionals. Previously, I was a tech lawyer and advisor at Google and Baker McKenzie.
I got into self-development after a near-death accident 9 years ago, where I broke my back. The high-performance techniques and mindset technologies I learned allow me to now live an enriching life. This journey inspired me to help others to live a fulfilling life on their terms.
My background as a corporate lawyer in tech enables me to help others in this space as I can understand the technical parts of their jobs as well as the immense pressure people often face performing at a consistently high level.
2) What does a day in your life look like for you? Can you take us through a recent workday?
I’m a big believer in putting your own safety mask on first and my day starts with having a protein-rich snack, meditating, yoga and (weather depending!) a swim in the ocean. Ocean swimming/cold water exposure triggers your sympathetic (rest and digest) system and helps you think clearly – so is definitely my favourite way to start the day!
I’ll have a full breakfast and will do some personal development reading, at least 10 minutes, to prime my mind for the day. I review my day plan over my breakfast to see any adjustments that need to be made, and I’ll journal if there are any issues that I’m trying to work through.
I tend to bulk my days so in the morning or afternoon I’ll either be doing deep work like preparing for clients and researching and writing content or coaching my clients and taking calls. I’ll do some exercise and have lunch (again, protein-rich, low carb to fuel me into the afternoon).
Sleep is a superpower, so I make sure to eat before 2-3 hours of going to bed. After dinner, I’ll do my own self-development work/coach training and wrap up my day by making my day plan. I’ll journal and reflect on what I’m grateful for – which is great to put me in a positive mood. I’ll wind down with some yoga, magnesium spray and some sleep meditations to relax my brain before having a great night’s sleep (hopefully!).
3) Does your current role allow for flexible or remote working? If so, how does that fit into your life and routine?
Yes. I set my schedule, so I make sure that my weeks and days support me so that I can be the best version of myself for my clients, friends and family. I work predominantly from home, so I’m able to access the resources I need (like the beach for a swim which is just down the road).
I try to be accomodating to my clients and make sure I’m available, so it’s important to be flexible. This is why my morning routine is so important to me as it’s sacred time!
4) What does work-life balance mean to you and how do you work to achieve that goal?
My work is an expression of myself and my content is deeply personal and reflects what’s happened/happening in my life. I try to integrate my work into my life and vice versa.
I make sure that I have appropriate boundaries so that I know that I do have some separation. I do this through my routines as well as my schedule – for example, I’m strict with my morning and evening routines, and I generally have a tech free day on Sundays. It’s important to me to take breaks to refresh myself. When I’m present at work, I want to be 100% there, and likewise in my personal life.
Whether it’s work or play, I try to find joy in any activity. I make sure I’m doing a lot of joyful activities throughout the day and week (like swimming, cooking and speaking to loved ones).
Guided meditation also helps me stay balanced and practice discernment with where I’m spending time.
5) In the past 12 months, have you started or stopped any routines or habits to change your life?
Yes! I worked with my coach to completely revolutionise my day to make it work for me. On an average day, you’ll find me meditating at least twice, swimming, eating a high protein, low-carb diet and sleeping earlier than I did before using some sleep hacks, movement and affirmations in addition to a lot more!
My days have completely transformed, and I’m now waking up with more energy to last throughout the day and more clarity, concentration and confidence.
Recently, I completed a Positive Intelligence coaching program by Shirzad Chamine, and that has taught me how to better manage the inner saboteur and transform it into a wiser, kinder version of myself to achieve the things I want and value. I use these techniques in my work to help people connect with their inner wisdom AKA feel like they’re in their flow state.
6) Do you have any favourite books, podcasts or newsletters that you’d like to recommend?
I’m a big fan of older texts and having a hard copy book to read in the morning and night:
If you’re interested in mental performance, I love ‘The Magic of Thinking Big’ by David J. Schwartz. It’s a classic.
I’d also highly recommend anything by Louise Hay or Florence Scovel Shinn’s ‘Game of Life’.
7) Are there any products, gadgets or apps that you can’t live without?
I keep my phone pretty simple to prevent distractions, I use google suite. I play a lot of meditations through YouTube, and of course WhatsApp! I play around with apps that help my clients and I perform better as well.
8) If you could read an interview about work-life balance by anyone, who would that be?
Tony Robbins, the amount of stuff that guy is able to accomplish is truly remarkable!
9) Do you have any last thoughts on work, life or balance that you’d like to share with our readers?
I think self-discovery and knowing who you are is the best way to get satisfaction in your work and life. When you know what your boundaries are you can put them in place or create workarounds that work for you. You are clear on what needs to happen and the small steps to achieve those goals.
As a coach, I find that a lot of people want help with getting the balance right, especially when their job has a lot of stress so if you feel off-balance, you’re not alone! I tend to help others through introspective questions and things like structured journaling, meditation and gratitude practices to achieve self-awareness and balance in their lives.
Before you go…
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